Information about the DON BOSCO FOOTBALL NANTES instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.
Installed Applications
- Pistes, opportunités, appels téléphoniques
- Technical name: crm, updated: 27/04/2016 20:38:35, author: OpenERP SA
- Réseau social
- Discussions, listes de diffusion, nouvelles
- Technical name: mail, updated: 05/10/2015 18:00:45, author: OpenERP SA
- eFacturation & Règlements
- Envoyer les factures et suivre les paiements
- Technical name: account_voucher, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:32, author: OpenERP SA
- Comptabilité et finance
- Comptabilité financière et analytique
- Technical name: account_accountant, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:40, author: OpenERP SA
- Gestion des transactions
- Offres, commandes, facturation
- Technical name: sale, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Gestion d'entrepôt
- Inventaire, logistique, stockage
- Technical name: stock, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Instant Messaging
- OpenERP Chat
- Technical name: im_chat, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Gestion des achats
- Purchase Orders, Receipts, Supplier Invoices
- Technical name: purchase, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Répertoire des Permanents
- Postes, départements, coordonnées des Permanents
- Technical name: hr, updated: 05/10/2015 18:00:50, author: OpenERP SA
- Financial Reports - Webkit
- Technical name: account_financial_report_webkit, updated: 15/01/2019 18:31:12, author: Camptocamp,Savoir-faire Linux,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
- Calendrier
- Calendrier personnel et partagé
- Technical name: calendar, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Odoo Live Support
- Chat with the Odoo collaborators
- Technical name: im_odoo_support, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Website Builder
- Build Your Enterprise Website
- Technical name: website, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:01, author: OpenERP SA
- Online Events
- Schedule, Promote and Sell Events
- Technical name: website_event, updated: 25/06/2019 17:44:14, author: OpenERP SA
- eCommerce
- Sell Your Products Online
- Technical name: website_sale, updated: 25/07/2017 23:34:14, author: OpenERP SA
- Module recherche site
- Module recherche site
- Technical name: website_search, updated: 25/01/2016 16:03:09, author: OpenSur SA
Installed Modules
- Dribblo association
- Dribblo
- Technical name: dribblo_association, updated: 14/04/2016 14:46:45 , author: Dribblo
- Dribblo association football
- Dribblo
- Technical name: dribblo_association_football, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:52 , author: Dribblo
- WMS Accounting
- Inventory, Logistic, Valuation, Accounting
- Technical name: stock_account, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Gestion des immobilisations
- Technical name: account_asset, updated: 05/10/2015 18:02:00 , author: OpenERP S.A.
- eFacturation
- Technical name: account, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:06 , author: OpenERP SA
- Modèle de plans de comptes
- Technical name: account_chart, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Gestion des relances de paiement
- Technical name: account_followup, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:53 , author: OpenERP SA
- Comptabilité analytique
- Technical name: analytic, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Gestion d'associations
- Technical name: association, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:40 , author: OpenERP SA
- Cryptage des mot de passe
- Technical name: auth_crypt, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: ['OpenERP SA', 'FS3']
- Signup
- Technical name: auth_signup, updated: 05/10/2015 18:00:56 , author: OpenERP SA
- Base
- Technical name: base, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Règles d'action automatisées
- Technical name: base_action_rule, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Comptes bancaires IBAN
- Technical name: base_iban, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Base import
- Technical name: base_import, updated: 05/10/2015 18:00:41 , author: OpenERP SA
- Outils de paramétrage initial
- Technical name: base_setup, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- N° de validation de TVA
- Technical name: base_vat, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Tableaux de bord
- Technical name: board, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- IM Bus
- Technical name: bus, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Campagne de Mailing de masse
- This module allow to specify a campaign, a source and a channel for a mass mailing campaign.
- Technical name: crm_mass_mailing, updated: 27/04/2016 20:38:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Segmentation des Partenaires
- Technical name: crm_profiling, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Configuration de la précision décimale
- Technical name: decimal_precision, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Système de gestion documentaires
- Technical name: document, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Échange de Données Informatisées (EDI)
- Technical name: edi, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Modèles de courriels
- Technical name: email_template, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Organisation d'évènements
- Formations, conférences, réunions, expositions, inscriptions
- Technical name: event, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Événements de transaction
- Technical name: event_sale, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Passerelle de courriels
- Technical name: fetchmail, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Présences
- Technical name: hr_attendance, updated: 05/10/2015 18:00:59 , author: OpenERP SA
- Base de connaissances
- Technical name: knowledge, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- France - Comptabilité
- Technical name: l10n_fr, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:41 , author: OpenERP SA
- Relevés d'identité bancaire (RIB)
- Technical name: l10n_fr_rib, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: Numérigraphe SARL
- Marketing
- Technical name: marketing, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Campagnes marketing
- Technical name: marketing_campaign, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Marketing in CRM
- Technical name: marketing_crm, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Campagne de Mailing de masse
- Design, send and track emails
- Technical name: mass_mailing, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP
- Gestion des membres
- Technical name: membership, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:37 , author: OpenERP SA
- Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer Base Module
- Technical name: payment, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Transfer Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer: Transfer Implementation
- Technical name: payment_transfer, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portail
- Technical name: portal, updated: 26/01/2016 05:00:44 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portail Vente
- Technical name: portal_sale, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portail Stock
- Technical name: portal_stock, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Approvisionnements
- Technical name: procurement, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Articles et listes de prix
- Technical name: product, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Rapport
- Rapport
- Technical name: report, updated: 05/10/2015 18:00:42 , author: OpenERP SA
- Moteur de rapport Webkit
- Technical name: report_webkit, updated: 15/01/2019 18:30:56 , author: Camptocamp
- Ressource
- Technical name: resource, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Opportunité en offre.
- Technical name: sale_crm, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Sales Teams
- Sales Team
- Technical name: sales_team, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Sales and Warehouse Management
- Offres, commandes, livraisons et contrôle des factures.
- Technical name: sale_stock, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Partage de documents
- Technical name: share, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Theme Common
- Snippets Library
- Technical name: theme_common, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: Odoo SA
- Zap Theme
- Technical name: theme_zap, updated: 14/03/2019 21:30:26 , author: Odoo SA
- Site Internet
- Technical name: web, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Calendrier web
- Technical name: web_calendar, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA, Valentino Lab (Kalysto)
- Diagramme OpenERP Web
- Technical name: web_diagram, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Export Current View
- Technical name: web_export_view, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: Agile Business Group,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
- Diagramme de Gantt (Web)
- Technical name: web_gantt, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Vue Graphe
- Technical name: web_graph, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Base Kanban
- Technical name: web_kanban, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Gauge Widget for Kanban
- Technical name: web_kanban_gauge, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Sparkline Widget for Kanban
- Technical name: web_kanban_sparkline, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Website Animate
- Technical name: website_animate, updated: 10/10/2017 21:50:32 , author: Odoo S.A.
- Calendar Snippet
- Calendar (based on Messaging -> Calendar) on website.
- Technical name: website_calendar_snippet, updated: 14/03/2019 21:30:38 , author: ONESTEiN BV,Odoo Community Association (OCA)
- Contact Form
- Create Leads From Contact Form
- Technical name: website_crm, updated: 27/04/2016 20:38:42 , author: OpenERP SA
- Online Event's Tickets
- Sell Your Event's Tickets
- Technical name: website_event_sale, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Files uploading on Website
- Technical name: website_files, updated: 11/11/2016 16:07:51 , author: IT-Projects LLC, Ivan Yelizariev
- Theme Support Engine
- Support layer for Themes in 8.0
- Technical name: website_less, updated: 10/10/2017 21:50:26 , author: Odoo SA
- Courriel du site web
- Website Module for Mail
- Technical name: website_mail, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16 , author: OpenERP SA
- Website Partner
- Partner Module for Website
- Technical name: website_partner, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:31 , author: OpenERP SA
- Online Proposals
- Send Professional Quotations
- Technical name: website_quote, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:58 , author: OpenERP SA
- Website Report
- Website Editor on reports
- Technical name: website_report, updated: 05/10/2015 18:01:31 , author: OpenERP SA
- Tests
- Technical name: web_tests, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16
- Editeur de vue
- Technical name: web_view_editor, updated: 31/10/2021 23:53:16